Sun is the source of life. 

All living organisms owe their existence to this great source of life, light and energy. Scientifically, it has been ascertained that Sun sustains life on earth. And it’s of everybody’s knowledge, how the Sun  plays the pivotal role in maintaining ecological balance. Additionally, it’s because of the Sun’s hydrological cycle, or more commonly known as ‘Water Cycle’, humanity receives rainfall and subsequently food grains necessary for the human survival.

The Sun, epitome of nobility

The sun exemplifies  the most noble character which is worthy of emulation by every human. The Sun is the best example for his sense of punctuality and responsibility.

Sun,the Mitra.

Owing to the above noble qualities, the sun has earned the most coveted name. ‘Mitra’. Mitra means friend. A friend to the entire universe.Therefore, there is a strong reason as to why Lord Surya has to be worshipped. And Suryanamaskara is one of the best ways to pay gratitude and  gain his blessings to lead a healthy and spiritual life on this earth. 

A combo of twelve Postures.

Realizing the importance of this great celestial body,Sage Patanjali,  devised twelve different postures of Yoga combined in a single unit, known as ‘Surya Namaskara’ or Salutations to Sun in his treatise ‘Yoga Sutra’.

Surya Namaskara is a sequence of twelve positions, ten of which are  different Asanas. The two remaining are positions. They form the first and last positions. All the positions and Asanas are so simple and sans complex postures. One can perform them independently.

The 12 positions form one sequence. And this sequence if repeated 25 times will make one complete round.

One should do Surya Namaskara sequence in the early hours of the morning facing east. It goes without saying, that Surya Namaskara should be done in the open and in a clean space.

The Sun God’s different names must be chanted while going through different positions of Surya Namaskara for deriving maximum benefit from Surya Namaskara.  

While practicing the Surya Namaskara chant the different names of Surya.

  • While you take the first position chant. Om Mitraya namaha.  
  • In the second position, chant Om Ravyey namaha.
  • In the third position, chant, Om Suryaya namaha.
  • Chant Om Bhanave namaha in the fourth position.
  • After the completion of the fourth position, chant Om Khagaya namaha.  
  • While in the sixth position, the mantra to be chanted is, Om Pooshtne namaha.  
  • The name of Surya to be chanted in the seventh position is Om Hiranyaqgarbhaya namaha.
  • Om Mareechaya namaha t5o be chanted in the eighth position.
  • Om Aadityaya namaha to be chanted in the ninth position.  
  • Om Savitre namaha to be chanted in the tenth position.
  • Om Akarya namaha to be chanted in eleventh position.
  • and Om Bhaskaraya  namaha to be chanted in the twelfth position. 

 Here we go…


is the name of the initial position. Daksha means to stand erect.Stand erect by keeping head, neck and the entire body in a line. Shoulders straight. Knees together. Hands downwards. With Chest expanded. Look towards the tip of the nose.


Strengthens the back as you are standing erect. At the same time rejuvenates the legs. As you have focused your eyes on the tip if the nose, your level of concentration will be high. Your face acquires radiance. Lastly it boosts your self confidence.


The second Asana in the sequence of Surya Namaskara is known as Namaskarasana. In this asana, you have to take a pose as if you are doing a Namaskara. For this, bring your hands close to your chest and join both your palms. Chest out and stomach inwards. While ensuring your body, head and neck are straight, look straight. Close the mouth in order to make sure that you inhale through the nostrils. In hale and hold the breath. 


Throat problems are cured. And this leads to having an improved voice. Mental calmness and tranquility are assured.


In this Asana, your arms should be stretched up. Then  bend your body backwards. Bending backwards should be done in accordance with  your ability to bend backwards. Don’t force yourself to bend further if you feel the pain in the waist. 

Expand the chest. Push the chest forwards.


Shoulders and alimentary canal will be in hale and healthy condition. You will be endowed with a perfect vision.


In the previous asana , you held the breath. You should continue in the same condition. Now bend forward. While doing this, see that your knees are not bent. Press the palms on the ground. While pressing, see that the finger tips of your palm and the fingers of both the legs are in the same direction.  Then touch the knees with your nose. A beginner may not be in a position to touch the knees with the nose. But with practice, it becomes possible. This looks like you are folded in to two folds. Now exhale. Do exhaling through nose, not through mouth.

In the early stages, some may not be in a position to touch the ground with the fingers. With time and practice , one can achieve. Similarly, you may not be in a position to touch the knees with nose.In both the conditions, remember not to use force. 


Abdominal diseases will be cured,  Diseases related to toes will be cured. Chest, and hands will be more stronger and the whole body attains radiance


Start with a deep inhalation. Stretch the right leg backwards and allow the knee of that stretched leg touch the ground. Next, bring the left bent leg forward and bend the neck backwards as far as possible. Protrude the chest and look up. In this position hold the breath.


This asana exerts pressure on the small intestines. owing to this extreme pressure many ailments related to liver and constipation are cured effectively.


Continuing from the previous posture, and while retaining the breath, move the other leg backwards. Now see that the two legs are close, so that their ankles and toes touch each other. Next see that the head, the waist and the elbows are almost in a straight line. Support the body on the hands and the toes.


Ailments related to hands, legs and knees will be cured. Besides curing abdominal disorders.Practitioners of Bhudharasana can get rid of the fat around the waist.


While retaining the breath, place the knees on the floor. Lower the chest and see that it  touches the ground.  Allow the chin to touch the lower part of the throat. Lower the forehead so that it touches the ground.. Pull the stomach inwards. See that it does not touch the ground. Then exhale. The chest should lie between the arms.


This asana strengthens the arms. If women practise this asana before pregnancy, breastfed infants will not have any health problems.


Keep the legs, the knees and palms in the same position as in the Ashtangapranipastasana . Stretch the arms. Inhale and push the chest forward. Bend the waist backwards and bend the neck as far back as possible without hurting yourself. Look up and hold the breath. 


This asana removes paleness of the body and imparts a healthy red colour to the face.It cures the diseases related to ovary or testicles.Women will be cured of menstruation related irregularities. The overall appearance of the face will be very pleasant and lustrous. 


Retain the breath. Without shifting the palm and the toes, straighten the waist upwards and without bending the knees stretch the body back. Allow the chin to touch the chest. Pull the stomach inwards as much as posssible. Stretch the thighs upwards. Rest the heels completely and firmly on the floor. 


The performer of this asana will be free from rheumatism, paralysis and hemiplegia. Owing to the weight of the body that’s taken by the legs throughput the asana, the legs will become strong and sturdy.


Raise the trunk in such a way that it is perpendicular to the floor. Now gradually without a jerk bring the left leg forward. After this, stretch the right leg backwards with the heels completely on floor.  The performer can feel the pressure on the stomach. in this position. Bring the neck and the head back and look as far back as possible. 


Blood circulation in the legs is fast and effective.The performer’s legs are full of strength. His ability to walk long distances increases. The flexibility in the spine increases the agility.


Assume the position as shown in Hastapadasana. Pull the stomach inwards. Bring the other leg to its original position. Let the nose or the forehead touch the knees. Exhale. 


This is the repetition of Hastapadasana in the fourth posture of Sun Salutation series. Hence the benefits of this asana are the same as the original Hastapadasana.


Inhale and stand erect as shown in position 2. The legs and knees should touch each other and the legs should be straight. 


Namaskarasana is the repetition  of  the second posture in the sequence of Sun Salutation. Hence It has all the benefits of Namaskarasana. 

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